Karpun N., Shoshina E. “Introduction of ornamental plants as a vector of phytophagous invasion”, Hortus bot. 18, (2023): DOI: 10.15393/j4.art.2023.9046



Introduction of ornamental plants as a vector of phytophagous invasion

Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Jana Fabricius str., 2/28, Sochi, 354002, Russia
Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Jana Fabricius str., 2/28, Sochi, 354002, Russia
Key words:
review, science, seedlings, alien species, rate of invasion, Cydalima perspectalis, Paysandisia archon, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, Lamprodila festiva
Summary: One of the main vectors of invasion of alien species of pests of ornamental woody plants is planting material of forage plants. The large size of seedlings, the small size of adults and larvae of insects, the invisibility of oviposition, and a hidden lifestyle are factors in the successful entry of pests into new territories. Over the past 23 years, 36 species of phytophages new to Russia have been identified on the Black Sea coast alone. The most striking examples of the invasion of herbivorous insects in the south of the European part of Russia with introduced planting material for landscaping should be considered: boxwood moth Cydalima perspectalis, palm borer Paysandisia archon, red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, cypress rainbow borer Lamprodila festiva, Indian wax beetle Ceroplastes ceriferus, mulberry scale insect Pseudaulacaspis pentagona. The invasion vector for the cotton moth Haritalodes derogata remains unclear. An analysis of the fauna of countries importing planting material plays a significant role in predicting and preventing the importation of new species of herbivorous insects.
Is received: 12 december 2023 year
Is passed for the press: 15 december 2023 year







































































































Финансирование: Исследования проведены в рамках реализации государственного задания ФИЦ СНЦ РАН FGRW-2022-0006, № госрегистрации 122042600092-8.


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