Tkachenko K. “Beautiful flowering woody plants for urban landscape”, Hortus bot. 18, (2023): DOI: 10.15393/



Beautiful flowering woody plants for urban landscape

Komarov Botanical Institute of RAS,
Professor Popov str., 2, Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russia
Key words:
horticulture, landscaping, Rosaceae, Amygdalus, Cerasus, Crataegus, Malus, Padus, Prunus, Sorbus, assortment, ornamental trees and shrubs, collections, botanical gardens
Summary: The most important task of the present time for botanical gardens is the assessment of collections of living plants with the subsequent introduction of the positive results of the introduction of new species, forms and varieties of plants into the practice of urban gardening and urban floristics. Collections published in our country at different times on wild and useful species, as well as on rare species successfully introduced in different countries in botanical gardens, show what a rich and promising assortment of ornamental tree and shrub plants we have. All that remains is to introduce the new promising range of ornamental species developed over the years through various nurseries into organizations involved in the design and specific landscaping of the modern urban environment, especially in large cities of the country.
Is received: 19 october 2023 year
Is passed for the press: 15 december 2023 year

















































































































































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