Botanical Gardens: Past and Present |
Rubtsova E., Chuvikina N. | Valentina Konstantinovna Markova – a master of botanical illustration Displays: 6514; Downloads: 1201; |
Ermakov M. A. | History of "New, rare and uncommon fruit and berry plants" exposition Displays: 2882; Downloads: 794; |
Structure of Plant Diversity |
Prokhorov A. A. | The phenomenon of modern speciation in botanical gardens Displays: 3070; Downloads: 799; |
Firsov G. A., Byalt V. V., Orlova L. V. | The new forms of gymnosperm and angiosperm woody plants at the Peter the Great Botanic Garden (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Displays: 4281; Downloads: 943; |
Byalt V. V., Popov V. I. | Flora of the South city solid waste landfill in St. Petersburg, 1999 Displays: 4142; Downloads: 910; |
Alieva D. | New areas of distribution of some plant species in the basin of Sumgayitchay river in Azerbaijan Displays: 3015; Downloads: 763; |
Hypotheses, Discoveries and Technologies |
Prokhorov A. A., Pyaskin R. | Determination of the possible amount of dew on the surface of plants Displays: 3395; Downloads: 837; |
Sorokin A. | Scientific methods for identification of plants mentioned in ancient texts (as exemplified by biblical phytonymics) Displays: 3920; Downloads: 746; |
Conservation, Mobilization and Study of Plant Genetic Resources |
Orlova L. V., Firsov G. A., Trofimuk L. P., Karamysheva A. V. | Siberian dwarf pine (Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel, Pinaceae) – history of study, the current state in the botanical gardens of Saint Petersburg and the perspectives of its use in greening in the North-West of Russia Displays: 7744; Downloads: 1016; |
Firsov G., Yarmishko V., Volchanskaya A., Varfolomeeva E., Malysheva E., Malysheva V. | Drying out of woody plants at Peter the Great Botanical Garden BIN RAS (Saint Petersburg) and distribution of Phytophthora and Pythiumspecies: monitoring of 2018 Displays: 2931; Downloads: 811; |
Tkachenko K. | Collections of botanical gardens - a modern practice of conserving and studying the diversity of the plant world Displays: 2926; Downloads: 769; |
Tkachenko K. | On creating specialized botanical gardens of traditional Chinese medicinal plants Displays: 3075; Downloads: 1065; |
Mozhaeva G. F., Fatyunina Y. A. | Collection of medicinal plants of the Botanical Garden named after I. Sprygin of the Penza State University Displays: 2613; Downloads: 978; |
Vasfilova E. S., Vorob'eva T. A. | Collection of medicinal plants as a base for the training of specialists in the field of pharmacy Displays: 3681; Downloads: 803; |
Soltani G. A. | Rarities of collection Sochi arboretum Displays: 8697; Downloads: 1062; |
Firsov G. A., Orlova L. V., Khmarik A. G. | Picea A. Dietr. (Pinaceae) genus at Peter the Great Botanical Garden Displays: 3236; Downloads: 883; |
Zalibekov M., Gabibova A. | The species of Crataegus L. at the initial phase of introduction in the mountains of Dagestan Displays: 3109; Downloads: 910; |
Goncharova O. A., Lipponen I. N., Poloskova E. Y. | Linear growth of lateral shoots of the introduced plants of the species Crataegus L. at the Polar – Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute Displays: 3059; Downloads: 748; |
Volkova O., Khotsialova L. I., Kirichek A. M. | The collection of wild relatives of fruit and berry plants at the Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitsin RAS Displays: 2734; Downloads: 724; |
Ermakov M. A., Volkova O. D., Khotsialova L. I., Zagumennicova T. N., Potapova A. V. | Rowan in the collection of the Laboratory of cultivated plants of the Main Botanical garden n.a. N. V. Tsitsin RAS Displays: 5266; Downloads: 923; |
Ermakov M. A., Volkova O. D., Khotsialova L. I., Zagumennicova T. N., Potapova А. V. | The study of the characteristics of the forms and varieties of (Viburnum opulus L.) plants at the Main Botanical Garden of RAS Displays: 3484; Downloads: 777; |
Platonova E. | Phenological development of perennial plants in the «Shadow Garden» of Botanical Garden of the Petrozavodsk State University Displays: 4307; Downloads: 864; |
Antipina G., Antipin V. | Settlement of hogweed Sosnovsky (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.) on the Lososinka river (within the city of Petrozavodsk) Displays: 2695; Downloads: 720; |
Lyabzina S., Chalkin A., Gorbach V. | Study of Quarantine Species of Animals in the Territory of the PetrSU Botanical Garden Displays: 3842; Downloads: 889; |
Viracheva L. L., Nosatenko O. Y., Trostenyuk N. N. | The collection collection of introduced perennials open ground plants of Polar-Alpine botanical garden Displays: 3484; Downloads: 845; |
Viracheva L. L., Goncharova O. A., Kirillova N. R., Nosatenko O. Y., Trostenyuk N. N. | Rare and disappearing plants in the introductive collection of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute Displays: 2642; Downloads: 734; |
Kirillova N. R. | Representation of water plants of the Murmansk region in the herbarium of the N. A. Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute Displays: 3343; Downloads: 946; |
Kuzmenkova S. M., Nosylovsky O. A. | Catalogue of the Herbarium of the Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus (MSKH) Displays: 3618; Downloads: 1166; |
Index Seminum |
Tkachenko K. | Index sporarum et seminum quae Hortus botanicus Petri Mangi Instituti Botanici nom. V. L. Komarovii Academiae Scientiarum Rossicae pro mutua commutatione offert N 156 Displays: 4037; Downloads: 974; |
NOVAKOVSKAYA T. V., MAKAROVA G. Y. | List of plant seeds cultivated in the Botanical Garden of Syktyvkar State University, collected in 2018 Displays: 3293; Downloads: 848; |
Trostenyuk N. N., Viracheva L. L., Goncharova O. A., Kirillova N. R., Lipponen I. N. | Catalogue of seeds of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute № 69 Displays: 4330; Downloads: 901; |
Platonova E., Timohina T., Kabonen A. | INDEX SPORARUM ET SEMINUM 2019. BOTANIC GARDEN OF PETROZAVODSK STATE UNIVERSITY Displays: 3533; Downloads: 984; |
Conference |
Khokhlacheva J. A., Kabanov A. V., Bondorina I. A., Smirnova Z. I. | Insight into the botanical gardens of Georgia Displays: 3728; Downloads: 837; |