Issue V. 18. 2023.

Structure of Plant Diversity

Byalt V. V., Korshunov M. V.Overview of cultivated and wild species of the Mimosaceae family (Fabaceae s.l.) in the Emirate of Fujairah (United Arab Emirates)
Displays: 1053; Downloads: 303;
Byalt V. V., Korshunov M. V.Overview of cultivated and wild species of the Caesalpiniaceae family (Fabaceae s.l.) in the Emirate of Fujairah (United Arab Emirates)
Displays: 1029; Downloads: 319;
Byalt V. V., Firsov G. A.A new form of small-leaved maple (Acer mono Maxim.) in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great
Displays: 1389; Downloads: 439;

Conservation, Mobilization and Study of Plant Genetic Resources

Tkachenko K., Arnautova E. M., Yaroslavceva M. A., Staroverov N. E., Gryaznov A. Y.Seed quality of some species of the genus Musa at the Peter the Great Botanical Gardens
Displays: 940; Downloads: 347;
Tkachenko K., Reinvald V., Varfolomeeva E.Experience of winter green grafting of a collection of lilacs in the protected ground of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great
Displays: 960; Downloads: 466;
Goncharova O. A.Viability of introduced plants of the genus Lonicera L. in the Kola Subarctic
Displays: 685; Downloads: 392;
Hudnaya N., Mialik A., Shlapakova T., Titok V.Formation of a reserve gene pool of endangered plant species based on an assessment of the genetic diversity of populations
Displays: 702; Downloads: 402;
Androsova V. I., Belyaeva T.Lichen species diversity on apple trees of the PetrSU Botanical Garden collection
Displays: 822; Downloads: 345;

Hypotheses, Discoveries and Technologies

Varfolomeeva E. A., Reinvald V. M., Tkachenko K.Ways to increase the resistance of lilacs to fungal and bacterial diseases
Displays: 753; Downloads: 386;

Nature of Botanc Gardens

Firsov G. A., Fadeeva I. V.Bioclimatic cyclicality and its influence on woody plants at Saint-Petersburg
Displays: 722; Downloads: 440;


Prokhorov A. A., Sonina A. V.Resolution of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation "History and prospects for the introduction of plants in Russia", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Antonina Stepanovna Lantratova
Displays: 924; Downloads: 290;
Markovsksya E.Lantratova Antonina Stepanovna: the life of a scientist and teacher.
Displays: 766; Downloads: 342;
Vetchinnikova L. V., Titov A. F.Introduction of Karelian birch: history, experience and assessment of prospects
Displays: 741; Downloads: 363;
Tkachenko K.Beautiful flowering woody plants for urban landscape
Displays: 830; Downloads: 340;
Karpun N., Shoshina E.Introduction of ornamental plants as a vector of phytophagous invasion
Displays: 654; Downloads: 321;
Prokhorov A. A.The Dewfall. Unaccounted physical environmental factors and their role in plant life
Displays: 729; Downloads: 348;