Structure of Plant Diversity |
Byalt V. V., Korshunov M. V. | Overview of cultivated and wild species of the Mimosaceae family (Fabaceae s.l.) in the Emirate of Fujairah (United Arab Emirates) Displays: 1053; Downloads: 303; |
Byalt V. V., Korshunov M. V. | Overview of cultivated and wild species of the Caesalpiniaceae family (Fabaceae s.l.) in the Emirate of Fujairah (United Arab Emirates) Displays: 1029; Downloads: 319; |
Byalt V. V., Firsov G. A. | A new form of small-leaved maple (Acer mono Maxim.) in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great Displays: 1389; Downloads: 439; |
Conservation, Mobilization and Study of Plant Genetic Resources |
Tkachenko K., Arnautova E. M., Yaroslavceva M. A., Staroverov N. E., Gryaznov A. Y. | Seed quality of some species of the genus Musa at the Peter the Great Botanical Gardens Displays: 940; Downloads: 347; |
Tkachenko K., Reinvald V., Varfolomeeva E. | Experience of winter green grafting of a collection of lilacs in the protected ground of the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great Displays: 960; Downloads: 466; |
Goncharova O. A. | Viability of introduced plants of the genus Lonicera L. in the Kola Subarctic Displays: 685; Downloads: 392; |
Hudnaya N., Mialik A., Shlapakova T., Titok V. | Formation of a reserve gene pool of endangered plant species based on an assessment of the genetic diversity of populations Displays: 702; Downloads: 402; |
Androsova V. I., Belyaeva T. | Lichen species diversity on apple trees of the PetrSU Botanical Garden collection Displays: 822; Downloads: 345; |
Hypotheses, Discoveries and Technologies |
Varfolomeeva E. A., Reinvald V. M., Tkachenko K. | Ways to increase the resistance of lilacs to fungal and bacterial diseases Displays: 753; Downloads: 386; |
Nature of Botanc Gardens |
Firsov G. A., Fadeeva I. V. | Bioclimatic cyclicality and its influence on woody plants at Saint-Petersburg Displays: 722; Downloads: 440; |
Conference |
Prokhorov A. A., Sonina A. V. | Resolution of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation "History and prospects for the introduction of plants in Russia", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Antonina Stepanovna Lantratova Displays: 924; Downloads: 290; |
Markovsksya E. | Lantratova Antonina Stepanovna: the life of a scientist and teacher. Displays: 766; Downloads: 342; |
Vetchinnikova L. V., Titov A. F. | Introduction of Karelian birch: history, experience and assessment of prospects Displays: 741; Downloads: 363; |
Tkachenko K. | Beautiful flowering woody plants for urban landscape Displays: 830; Downloads: 340; |
Karpun N., Shoshina E. | Introduction of ornamental plants as a vector of phytophagous invasion Displays: 654; Downloads: 321; |
Prokhorov A. A. | The Dewfall. Unaccounted physical environmental factors and their role in plant life Displays: 729; Downloads: 348; |