Botanical Gardens: Past and Present |
Rubtsova E., Chuvikina N. | The period of scientific activity of Leonid Ivanovich Rubtsov at N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry (VIR): among luminaries and future friends Displays: 4917; Downloads: 1155; |
Tkachenko K. | Nanning Golden Camellia Park Displays: 7449; Downloads: 1037; |
Kim Y. S. | Introduction to Chollipo Arboretum Foundation, Republic of Korea Displays: 6002; Downloads: 1284; |
Gusev E. M., Kolomeitseva G. L. | New forms of botanical collections of tropical and subtropical plants in Russia Displays: 5638; Downloads: 1001; |
Hypotheses, Discoveries and Technologies |
Tkachenko K., Staroverov N., Gryaznov A. | X-ray quality control of fruits and seeds Displays: 5827; Downloads: 1188; |
Antipina G. S., Maganov I. A. | Thermal treatment as a method of controlling Heracleum sosnowskyi Displays: 4555; Downloads: 947; |
Sorokin A. | Botanical identification of ancient Hebrew phytonym boṭnîm. On domestication history of pistachio (Pistacia vera L., Anacardiaceae) Displays: 2829; Downloads: 900; |
Structure of Plant Diversity |
Mialik A. M., Zhytsianioŭ L. A. | Cultural flora of the central part of the Belorussian Polesje: modern composition, botanical diversity, economic importance Displays: 6840; Downloads: 1152; |
Firsov G. A., Byalt V. V., Byalt A. V. | New taxa of trees and shrubs at Peter the Great Botanical Garden Displays: 4196; Downloads: 1009; |
Conservation, Mobilization and Study of Plant Genetic Resources |
Firsov G., Bjalt V., Orlova L., Volchanskaya A., Hmarik A. | Rare and threatened arboreal plants of Otradnoje Scientific and Research Station of BIN RAS: results of introduction Displays: 3780; Downloads: 966; |
Zmitrovich I. V., Firsov G., Bondartseva M. A., Volobuev S., Bolshakov S. | Wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes as tree pathogens at the Peter the Great Botanical Garden of Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science: their diagnostics, biology, and distribution over the park territory Displays: 5544; Downloads: 1164; |
Firsov G., Zmitrovich I. V., Bondartseva M. A., Bolshakov S., Volobuev S. | Frostу craсks and basidiomycetes – causal agents of chronical decayings at the Peter the Great Botanical Garden Displays: 3862; Downloads: 921; |
Rak N. S., Litvinova S. V. | Entomological monitoring of introduced woody plants of family Rosaceae in the collection of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden Institute Displays: 3920; Downloads: 933; |
Gubanova T., Brailko V., Myazina L. | Winter hardiness of some Oleaceae species in the collection of the Nikitskiy Botanic Gardens Displays: 3029; Downloads: 910; |
Sedaeva M. I., Lobanov A. I. | Phenology and reproductive ability of genus Acer L. plants in arboretum of V. N. Sukachev Institute of forest (Krasnoyarsk) Displays: 3747; Downloads: 941; |
Skakun V. A. | Aspects of geographic distribution of genus Buddleja L. types Displays: 2920; Downloads: 897; |
Pavlova M. A. | The results of Iris pseudacorus L. introduction in the Donetsk Botanical Garden Displays: 3863; Downloads: 905; |
Markovskaya E., D'yachkova T., Morozova K. | Nymphoides peltata (S. G. Gmel.) O. Kuntze (Menyanthaceae) at the border of geographic range: anatomical and morphological features Displays: 4054; Downloads: 980; |
Goncharova O. A. | Collection of open-ground wood plants in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute Displays: 3534; Downloads: 876; |
Guseynova Z., Murtazaliev R., Anatov D., Vagabova F., Dibirov M., Zubairova S., Kuramagomedov M., Magomedov M., Musaev A., Osmanov R., Khabibov A. | Catalogue of herbaceous plants of the Mountain Botanic Garden Displays: 3956; Downloads: 929; |
Information Technology for Botanic Gardens |
Kabonen A., Andryusenko V. | Web-Geoinformation System of the Botanic Garden of the Petrozavodsk State University Displays: 2938; Downloads: 835; |
Annenkova I. V. | Publication of Sochinsky "Dendrary" collection in GBIF Displays: 8954; Downloads: 866; |
Conference |
Rubtsova E., Chuvikina N. | Leonid Ivanovich Rubtsov's trip to China: 1959 expedition Displays: 3788; Downloads: 952; |
Index Seminum |
Tkachenko K. | Index sporarum et seminum N 155 Hortus Botanicus Petri Mangi Instituti Botanici nom. V. L. Komarovii Academiae Scientiarum Rossicae pro mutua commutatione offert Displays: 5290; Downloads: 1065; |
Kustova Y., Kazanceva L. | Index Seminum 2017 of the Gorno-Altaiski Botanical Garden Displays: 2898; Downloads: 878; |
Kiseleva O. A., Semkina L. A., Kozhevnikov A. P., Golikov YUr'evich D. Y., Dorofeeva L. M., Vasfilova E. S., Neujmina N. V., SHarova E. A., Knyazev M. S., Zavyalova M. B., Vorobeva T. A., Pervushina O. A. | Index seminum of the Botanical Garden of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Displays: 7666; Downloads: 1109; |
Platonova E., Timohina T., Kabonen A. | INDEX SPORARUM ET SEMINUM 2018. BOTANIC GARDEN OF PETROZAVODSK STATE UNIVERSITY Displays: 4819; Downloads: 1137; |
Kalugin Y. | Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Botanical Gardens in the Modern World: Science, Education, Management" Displays: 3856; Downloads: 913; |
Alexeeva N. | Innovative ideas for the presentation of generic collections, for example the Iridarium exposition (past, present, future) Displays: 2657; Downloads: 962; |
Arnautova E., Yaroslavtseva M. | Greenhouse thematic collections of Botanical Garden of Peter the Great BIN RAS and their role in educational activity Displays: 3102; Downloads: 954; |
Baranova O., Pautova I., Tseitin N. | The representation of plants of natural flora of the North-West of Russia in the collection of the Botanical garden of Peter the Great Displays: 2903; Downloads: 917; |
Valdayskikh V., Mikhalishchev R., Artemyeva E., Paltusova M. | Educating the Botanic Gardens UrFU on Biodiversity Conservation Displays: 2563; Downloads: 963; |
Gontar O., Zotova O., Kalashnikova I. | Implementation of continuous environmental education in the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute Displays: 2344; Downloads: 864; |
Goncharenko N. | Environmental education today: the societies needs and the Botanical gardens possibilities Displays: 3662; Downloads: 904; |
Gosteva T. | Dendrological garden named after S.F. Kharitonov, as a unique green object of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky Displays: 2606; Downloads: 846; |
Dutova Z. | Features of formation of the concept of development of regional botanical gardens and protected natural territories on the example of Ecological and botanical station «Pyatigorsk» of Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Displays: 2660; Downloads: 896; |
Imanbayeva A. | Mangyshlak experimental botanical garden as the center of plants introduction in arid conditions of Kazakhstan: state and prospects Displays: 4347; Downloads: 939; |
Zykova V., Khaylenko E. | Educational activity of the Nikitа Botanical Gardens on the example of cooperation with the Artek ICC Displays: 2443; Downloads: 887; |
Kalugin Y. | An integrated approach to the organization of cultural and educational activities on the open ground collections of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden BIN RAS (by the example of the genus Syringa L.) Displays: 2861; Downloads: 847; |
Kiseleva O. A., Zavylova M. | Excursion programs of the Institute Botanic Garden of UB RAS as a way of environmental education and promotion of botanical science Displays: 4336; Downloads: 971; |
Kukurichkin G. | Multi-Botanical garden: establishment of Botanical garden in Surgut Displays: 3539; Downloads: 944; |
Lazareva N., Nesterova A. | The Sensory Garden in Moscow State University’s Botanic Garden («Apothecary Garden») as an Element of the Guided Tour Programme Displays: 3899; Downloads: 891; |
Mammadov T., Gulmammadova A. | Role of Dendrary in landscape architecture of Absheron Displays: 2927; Downloads: 920; |
Musinova L. | Formation of environmental and cultural competences in the specialized program for teenagers "IUCN Red List" in Peter the Great Botanical garden Displays: 3396; Downloads: 867; |
Naumtsev Y., Seitkulov Z. | “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels» - management and marketing of the modern botanical garden Displays: 3167; Downloads: 832; |
Novikova M. | Botanical holidays as a means of communication and knowledge Displays: 2488; Downloads: 890; |
Platonova E. A., Tolstoguzov A. O., Lyabzina S. N., Sushchuk A. A. | Zoological researches in Botanical Garden of PetrSU Displays: 3193; Downloads: 854; |
Potemin M. | Botanical garden as the cultural heritage object of Federal importance Separate historical data on materials of the cultural heritage object passport. Compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of cultural heritage protection. Displays: 2942; Downloads: 874; |
Prikhodko S., Nikolaeva A. | A MODERN VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE DONETSK BOTANICAL GARDEN Displays: 2883; Downloads: 839; |
Prokhorov A. A. | The Botanical Garden is not a public garden, but a scientific research tool Displays: 3093; Downloads: 879; |
Reut A. | Scientific and educational activities of the South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences Displays: 2656; Downloads: 970; |
Roguleva N. O., Yankov N. V. | New approaches to environmental education in Botanic gardens Displays: 3278; Downloads: 934; |
Rozno S. A., Ruzaeva I. V., Rytov G. L. | Classic and modern aspects in specialists professional training: on the main directions of Botanical Garden of Samara University participation in the formal education Displays: 3070; Downloads: 867; |
Romanova E. | The experience of organizing temporary exhibits of the succulents of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden's collections in the educational activities of the BIN RAS Displays: 2653; Downloads: 869; |
Soltani G. | Assessment of the perception society of the arboretum using online reviews Displays: 2859; Downloads: 860; |
Firsov G., Byalt V. | Cooperation between Peter the Great Botanic Garden and the Lower Khoper Nature park in the field of Ex-situ conservation Displays: 2973; Downloads: 823; |
Chepik F., Vasiliev S. | MULTIFUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF BOTANICAL GARDENS Displays: 2839; Downloads: 845; |
Yatsenko O. | Organizing tour activities in the New Greenhouse of the N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden Displays: 2586; Downloads: 856; |
Yatsenko I., Yatsenko O. | The experience of involving volunteers in the reconstruction of the collection sites of Arboretum of MBG RAS Displays: 2399; Downloads: 819; |
Yaroslavtseva M., Volchanskaya A. | The practice of organizing courses for the preparation of guides in the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great BIN RAS Displays: 3274; Downloads: 938; |